Our Lydian Division has more than 35 years experience issuing demands for the recovery of conditional payments of Non-Group Health Plans where a settlement, judgment, award, or other payment has occurred.
Overpayment and Recovery Services
CSA understands Medicare benefits, eligibility, and claims recovery. This includes pre-demand settlements and compromises; conditional payment letters and recovery demands; and post-demand appeals and waivers. Lydian has experience with all Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) functions, including understanding and determining Medicare benefits, eligibility, claims recovery, financial settlements, IRS/SSA/CMS data match, and Section 111 reporting. Our staff has been recognized by CMS for our experience and best practices processing large settlement cases and complex litigation recoveries. We have years of experience with CMS standard systems including Healthcare Integrated General Ledger Accounting System (HIGLAS), Electronic Correspondence Referral System (ECRS), and Common Working File (CWF).